Monday, 22 August 2011


Add Command Prompt on Right-Click

Posted in
  1. Start > Run
  2. Enter "regedit" and hit Enter
  3. Expand to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell"
  4. Right-click on "shell" and select New > Key
  5. Make sure a new key is created under "shell". Change the name of this key to "Command Prompt"
  6. Right-click on this new key "Command Prompt" and select New > Key
  7. Change the name of this key to "command.
  8. Here's what we should have
  9. Double-click on the "(Default)" text on the right window to bring up the edit box
  10. Enter this text into the Value Data field:
    cmd.exe "%1"
  11. Click OK and close the registry.