Sunday, 24 July 2011


Hide the Accounts in Windows system

Posted in
hi guys this is good trick which you can use it in  ur school
  if you want to hide personal accounts

go to start->run
    * Enter as "regedit" to open the registry window.
    * Navigate to this Path:


    * In the Right pane, Right click -> New -> String Value
    * Right click on the new String Value and click Rename
    * Enter the Name of the Account you want to hide.
    * Right click on the String Value  and Change value to 0 which hides it. If you want it to
 be Visible to all Enter the Value 1.
    * Now Save and Exit the Registry  Edit.

Restart the system.
When you login if you want to access the hidden account,then just press
"ctrl+alt+del" in login page.
Enter your hidden account and password